Park locations updated as of Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Minor updates may be needed depending on air quality.
Whitemud Park North: Monday, August 19th
Meeting location: Small amenities building (13810 Fox Drive NW)

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park: Tuesday, August 20th
Meeting location: Near Picnic Site #3

Mill Creek Ravine: Wednesday, August 21st
Meeting location: Outside Donnan Arena (9105 80 Avenue NW)

Kinsmen Park: Thursday, August 22nd
Meeting location: Playground washroom, south of playground

Capilano Park: Friday, August 23rd
Meeting location: Pavilion building (10975 50 Street)

*** Participants 8 years of age and under require an onsite guardian/parent ***
– During the summer camps, Dorothy will send emails reminding participants of park locations.